How To Lose Your Customers’ Trust – Call Center Outsourcing Insights

How To Lose Your Customers’ Trust – Call Center Outsourcing Insights

How To Lose Your Customers’ Trust – Call Center Outsourcing Insights

When it comes to conducting business and keeping your customers happy, there are myriad of things you and your company can do. Conversely, there are also many ways you can leave your customers feeling unhappy, uneasy, and worst of all—untrusting. Losing your customers’ trust is one of the worst possible scenarios for any business, regardless of the field you’re in.

While call center outsourcing might seem like it would create a disconnect between your brand and your customer base—that does not have to be the case if you are partnered with an experienced contact center. That being said, there are some simple steps you can take regardless of whether you work in call center outsourcing or some other customer-centric field, that will aide you in your quest to gain—and keep—your customers’ trust.

Communication Is Key

No matter your field, if you offer open, honest, and frequent communications with your customers, be it phone calls, emails, or other types of communications, it help foster a sense of trust and loyalty.

Bringing in new clients or customers is the lifeblood of any business. New business development is a constant activity for most organizations. With that comes a heavier workload for your employees, and that can cause a decrease in your frequent touches and communications with your existing customers.

When a customer doesn’t feel they’re being communicated with in the way they’ve become accustomed to, typically their level of satisfaction drops. And chances are good the trust factor between you and your customer will also drop. To whatever ends possible, be mindful of your communication efforts with your current customers and be sure from the very beginning to establish and keep open lines of communications between you and new customers as well.

Poor Web Presence

When it comes to conducting business, not only should you want to look professional and legitimate online, you NEED to look that way! A website filled with, dated graphics and text, broken links, irrelevant Google ads and pop-ups signals to clients and potential clients that money is perhaps more important than their best interest, and your attention to business details may not be solid as you present. So it’s good judgment to pay professionals to create a functional, informative—and ad-free—website built for your company.

Don’t Use Jargon

No matter what your industry, chances are you have your own business lingo or jargon or acronyms that you use with your co-workers, employees, or those in your industry you deal with frequently. What do you think the odds are that your customers know or understand what you’re talking about when you throw out TLAs (three letter acronyms)? Zero to none. Cut out the jargon and lingo and speak with your clients in their own language. If they want to have a better understanding of your field or what some of the acronyms are you use, then you can clue them in. Outside of that, no more inside language or acronyms specific to your industry that your customers can’t possibly know.

Under Promise and Over Deliver

Never make a customer a promise you know there is no chance you can meet. If a proposal will require a week to prepare and must then go to legal for approval, never promise it will be delivered in two days. You want to lose their trust in the blink of an eye? Then promise them the world and see how quickly those customers leave you. Make them promises you know can be kept and then exceed their expectations by beating the deadline of other expectations. Really want to earn their trust? Show them—don’t tell them—that you’ll go above and beyond for them.

Now that you know how to handle your call center outsourcing customers’ and clients’ trust, do your best to earn and keep it for years to come! It is important to keep these insights in mind as well as this year’s top customer service trends in order to keep your business growing and relevant.

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